Selected Aspects of Strategic Management in the Service Sector


  • Ján Dvorský Tomas Bata University in Zlín
  • Zora Petráková Institute of Forensic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • Khurram Ajaz Khan Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic
  • Ivo Formánek Department of Entrepreneurship and Management, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Marketing, University of Entrepreneurship and Law, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Zdeněk Mikoláš Department of Entrepreneurship and Management, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Marketing, University of Entrepreneurship and Law, Prague, Czech Republic



small and medium enterprises, service sector, strategy, strategic management, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic.


The focus of the present paper is to identify and defines the important factors of strategic management in SMEs with a specific focus on the service sector and to compare its current situation in the Czech Republic and Slovak republic firms. To shape the study, survey-based research planned and conducted in the Czech Republic and Slovak republic over SMEs in the service sector. The data were collected from the owners or top-level managers, the total sample used in the study was 822, 454 respondents from the Czech firms and 368 firms from the Slovak republic. The study employs basic statistics tools, percentages and mean values, used Z-score to compare the respondents in the Czech Republic and Slovak republic. The major findings of the study reveal that majority of the firms in both the countries use strategic management as an integral part of corporate governance and believe that strategic management usage improves the competitiveness of the firms and its stability in domestic and foreign markets. Another interesting finding reveals that the business sector is not a statistically significant factor in evaluating the sources of strategic risk, found from the firms of both countries. The paper adds to the existing literature of SMEs, investigated the use of strategic management tools for their sustainability and competitiveness. As the key aspects of strategic management are much used in large size organization but less explored in the smaller segment. The outcome of the study can help to understand the SMEs’ attitude towards strategic management usage. It is very useful for long term survival, stability, and expansion, as both countries’ economy is heavily depending on the SMEs.


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Author Biographies

  • Ján Dvorský, Tomas Bata University in Zlín

    Ing. Ján Dvorský, PhD.

    Department of Business Administration, Faculty of management and economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Mostní 5139, 76001 Zlín, Czech Republic,, His research is focused on Enterprise Economics, Quality of Business Environment, Risk Management, Small and Medium size Enterprise and Education of students in the economic field. He is a lecturer and a teacher of Applied Statistics and Econometric, Managerial Accounting II, Management Accounting and Enterprise Economics I. He published 31 scientific articles on database Scopus (h-index = 7) and 22 scientific articles on database Web od Science (h-index = 5).

  • Zora Petráková, Institute of Forensic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

    Assoc. Prof. Zora Petráková, PhD.

    Institute of forensic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Radlinského 11, 81005 Bratislava, Slovak republic,, She delivers forensic and economic assessments in difficult issues demanding expert witnesses on construction claims advanced to trials and other tribunals for resolution in behalf of citizens and organizations according to Slovak state legislation. She provides lectures in Forensic and economic engineering for full-time students. He published 4 scientific articles on database Scopus (h-index = 2) and 3 scientific articles on database Web od Science (h-index = 2).

  • Khurram Ajaz Khan, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic

    Ajaz Khan Khurram

    Department of Business Administration, Faculty of management and economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Mostní 5139, 76001 Zlín, Czech Republic,, He is external PhD. Students. His research is Business environment.

  • Ivo Formánek, Department of Entrepreneurship and Management, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Marketing, University of Entrepreneurship and Law, Prague, Czech Republic

    doc. Dr. Ing. Ivo Formánek

    Department of Entrepreneurship and Management, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Marketing, University of Entrepreneurship and Law, Vltavská 585/14, 150 00 Praha, Czech Republic,, He is a member of the academic staff and he also acts as a guarantor and manager of corporate education. His main professional interest nowadays is industrial engineering and management and optimization of business processes and projects. In these areas, he cooperates with a number of companies from industrial practice.

  • Zdeněk Mikoláš, Department of Entrepreneurship and Management, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Marketing, University of Entrepreneurship and Law, Prague, Czech Republic

    prof. Ing. Zdeněk Mikoláš, CSc.

    Department of Entrepreneurship and Management, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Marketing, University of Entrepreneurship and Law, Vltavská 585/14, 150 00 Praha, Czech Republic,, He is a guarantor of the study program Economics and Management and a guarantor of the study field Entrepreneurship. He focuses on economics and business management, entrepreneurship and business environment for a long time. He has written or co-authored hundreds of articles, conference papers, scripts, books, etc. - such as “How to Increase Business Competitiveness” or “Competitive Potential of Industrial Enterprise” and other books and articles published in Poland, Slovakia, France, USA, Taiwan etc.




How to Cite

Selected Aspects of Strategic Management in the Service Sector. (2020). Journal of Tourism and Services, 11(20), 109-123.