Antecedents of Job Performance of Tourism Graduates: Evidence from State University-Graduated Employees in Sri Lanka


  • Ruwan Ranasinghe Department of Management Sceinces, Faculty of MAnagement, Uva Wellassa University



Tourism Education, Job Performance, Learning Outcomes, Tourism Graduates, State Universities, Sri Lanka, Structural Equation Modeling


Each one in eleven jobs in the world are from tourism sector where a well trained, educated and skilled work force is mandetory. Despite the growth in provision of tourism higher education during past 40 years, uncertainties remain about the content and nature of tourism degrees and how these are aligned with tourism industry needs. Substantial evidence is available on designing tourism higher education curriculum but the extent to which tourism higher education meets the industry needs and the job performance of the graduates has not yet been closely investigated. This study aims to identify the impact of tourism education on the job performance of the tourism graduates. Self-administered questionnaire fielded across the Island secured 260 public sector university tourism graduates response. Data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling in Smart-PLS-3. The study found learning outcomes have a moderate positive relationship on job performance. Tourism graduates showed optimistic perception about tourism education in meeting industry requirements. As recommendations tourism curriculum must be well planned and enriched with supplementary practical exposure. Faculty members must provide a great support for the undergraduates in accomplishing their carrier objectives and the learning outcomes. Conducive learning environment should be facilitated to reach learning outcomes smoothly.


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Author Biography

  • Ruwan Ranasinghe, Department of Management Sceinces, Faculty of MAnagement, Uva Wellassa University

    Dr. Ruwan Ranasinghe BSc (Hons), MBA, PhD, Head/Department of Tourism Studies, Faculty of Management, Uva Wellassa University. Dr. Ranasinghe who is a graduate in Tourism and Hospitality Management has over one and a half decades experience in the tourism industry both as a practitioner and as an academic. He has a number of publications in high impact journals and has presented papers in various international conferences. His main research interests are tourism planning and management, tourism impacts, hospitality management, and tourism destination marketing.




How to Cite

Ranasinghe, R. (2019). Antecedents of Job Performance of Tourism Graduates: Evidence from State University-Graduated Employees in Sri Lanka. Journal of Tourism and Services, 10(18), 16-34.