Exploring the Tourism, Neuro-tourism, and Hospitality Nexus: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis





Tourism, neuro-tourism, hospitality, bibliometric analysis, Scopus database


Despite the considerable attention toward tourism and hospitality, neuro-tourism remains largely unexplored within academic investigations. This study is designed to provide bibliometric analysis in tourism, neuro-tourism, and hospitality research using VOSviewer to fill the gap. We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework to select relevant papers on the Scopus database between January 2009 and July 2023. Analyzing 971 papers revealed that the UK is the top country in publication (289 papers and 11,391 citations), while Italy was the lowest country on the list (42 papers and 4651 citations). Buhalis, D., was identified as the most influential author, with 18 papers and the highest-cited papers (1833 citations). Furthermore, the strongest pair authors correlation was between Okumus, F. and Rahimi, R., with 468 links, highlighting a significant degree of connection between their respective references. Keywords related to tourism, neuro-tourism, and hospitality include "halal tourism," "urban tourism," "rural tourism," "food tourism," "Islamic hospitality," "hospitality ecosystem," and "neuroscience." “International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management” was the most productive journal (96 papers and 4,312 citations). Furthermore, this journal published the most-cited paper, "An assessment of the use of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) in hospitality research,” with 687 citations. This is the first study to conduct the bibliometric analysis of tourism, neuro-tourism, and hospitality research; therefore, it will lead to more publications on related subjects by directing the researchers to less studied fields such as neuro-tourism. Additionally, scholarly collaborations may improve the depth of this research.


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Author Biographies

  • Ahmed H. Alsharif, Faculty of Management, University of Technology Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

    Ahmed H. Alsharif holds a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Management at the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia. His main research interests are neuromarketing, consumer behavior, marketing, emotional processes, cognitive processes, advertising, bibliometric analysis, and Systematic literature review (SLR) analysis. Alsharif has published several research papers in neuromarketing, marketing, advertising, and consumer behavior.

  • Nor Zafir Md Salleh, Faculty of Management, University of Technology Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

    Nor Zafir Md Salleh is a senior lecturer of marketing at the Faculty of Management, University of Technology Malaysia. Her research interests include culture and heritage, service innovation, Islamic tourism, and marketing.

  • Lina Pilelienė, Faculty of Economics and Management, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania

    Lina Pilelienė is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania. Her main research interests include Consumer Behavior, Marketing Communication, Neuromarketing, and Tourism Marketing. Pileliene has published on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty, Tourist Satisfaction, Green Consumer Behavior, and Application of Neuromarketing Methods.

  • Shaymah Ahmed Al-Zahrani, Department of Economics & Finance, College of Business Administration, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia

    Shaymah Ahmed Al-Zahrani is a lecturer in Department of Economic & Finance at Taif University, Saudi Arabia. Her research interests include economics, tourism, and marketing.




How to Cite

Alsharif, A. H., Md Salleh, N. Z., & Pilelienė, L. . (2023). Exploring the Tourism, Neuro-tourism, and Hospitality Nexus: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis (S. A. Al-Zahrani , Trans.). Journal of Tourism and Services, 14(27), 197-221. https://doi.org/10.29036/jots.v14i27.606