Do Travel and Tourism Competitiveness determine International Tourism Inbound Receipts? A Quantile Regression Model for 125 Countries


  • Petra Vašaničová Department of Finance, Accounting, and Mathematical Methods, Faculty of Management and Business, University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovak Republic
  • Sylvia Jenčová Department of Finance, Accounting, and Mathematical Methods, Faculty of Management and Business, University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovak Republic
  • Dana Kiseľáková Department of Finance, Accounting, and Mathematical Methods, Faculty of Management and Business, University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovak Republic
  • Ľubomír Nebeský Department of Economics and Finance, Bratislava University of Economics and Management, Slovak Republic & Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, Slovak Republic



competitiveness, tourism, GDP, quantile regression, model, receipts


Tourism is one of the sectors of the economy most affected by the situation caused by the spread of COVID-19. For the re-growth of international tourism competitiveness, it is important to know the main determinants affecting tourism performance, specifically international tourism inbound receipts (ITIR). This paper aims to find out whether a country's ITIR is determined by travel and tourism gross domestic product (GDP) and travel and tourism competitiveness measured by the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI). The data was obtained from the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report from 2019. The proposed new model for 125 countries is specific because we consider conditional quantiles of the dependent variable. The results of a quantile regression determined that individual percentiles of the ITIR are more affected by travel and tourism GDP and TTCI than other percentiles of the ITIR, which was then reflected in the changes of regression coefficients. Considering the findings of this paper, it is possible to implement competitive destination policy not only for the specific geographical cluster, as in the existing literature, but also for groups of countries created according to the affiliation to selected quantiles. This study significantly contributes to the theory and empirical evidence of the influence of tourism competitiveness when modeling tourism performance. Moreover, even though existing studies encourage quantile regression usage in tourism research, this paper appears to be original in determining the variables entering the analysis (ITIR, TTCI, travel, and tourism GDP).


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Author Biographies

  • Petra Vašaničová, Department of Finance, Accounting, and Mathematical Methods, Faculty of Management and Business, University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovak Republic


    Doc. PhDr. Petra Vasanicova, PhD. is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management and Business, University of Prešov. Her research interest is the study of how tourism activity among European countries is interconnected, how to predict the financial distress of companies in the tourism sector, and how network theory can help us understand the interconnectedness of tourism activity in Europe.

  • Sylvia Jenčová, Department of Finance, Accounting, and Mathematical Methods, Faculty of Management and Business, University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovak Republic


    Doc. Sylvia Jencova, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management and Business, University of Prešov, since 2008. Her scientific research (with publication) is focused on financial analysis, primarily in the area of financial management, financial modeling, and managerial economics, and is dedicated to an assay method, as well as selected macroeconomic problems. She lectured in Managerial Economics and International Trade and Business at the Business Institute in Prague.

  • Dana Kiseľáková, Department of Finance, Accounting, and Mathematical Methods, Faculty of Management and Business, University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovak Republic


    Doc. Ing. Dana Kiseľáková, PhD. is a professor at the Faculty of Management and Business, University of Prešov. Her scientific research is focused on the financial management of enterprises and investment, enterprise performance management, risk controlling, the competitiveness of economies and regional development, and banking.

  • Ľubomír Nebeský, Department of Economics and Finance, Bratislava University of Economics and Management, Slovak Republic & Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, Slovak Republic


    PhDr. Mgr. Ľubomír Nebeský, PhD. is a lecturer at the Department of Economics and Finance, Bratislava University of Economics and Management. His scientific research is focused on the economic area.




How to Cite

Do Travel and Tourism Competitiveness determine International Tourism Inbound Receipts? A Quantile Regression Model for 125 Countries. (2023). Journal of Tourism and Services, 14(26), 137-152.