Understanding of Travel Motivations of Domestic Tourists





Domestic tourism plays an essential role in the tourism industry and contributes to the overall economic development. This study aims to investigate the relationship between push and pull travel motivations of domestic tourists, their behavioral intentions, a direct influence of travel motivations on perceived benefit and perceived value of domestic tourists. The paper applies the concept of push and pull factors of travel motivation, perceived benefit, perceived value, and behavioral intention. The study implies a quantitative research method - questionnaire survey targeting domestic tourists in Mongolia between July to September 2019. A total of 1068 returned questionnaires were analyzed using factor analysis, reliability test, regression, path analysis, and SEM. The research result suggests that travel motivations (push and pull factors) were significant constructs of behavioral intentions. Moreover, the research results are significant for tourism practitioners, researchers, and destination managers to understand the motivational factors of domestic tourists, their perceived benefit and value, and behavioral intention. The study outcomes could assist destination planners to develop new products and services or to enhance destination offer and tourist experiences by improving pull factors that include better service quality, various travel activities,  ease of accessibility, reasonable pricing, and attractive environment; which latter lead to increase domestic tourist numbers and overall competitiveness of the destination.


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Author Biographies

  • Oyunchimeg Luvsandavaajav, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

    ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4306-5966

    Senior lecturer

    National University of Mongolia, Department of Geography

    University street -1 P.O.BOX-46A/523, 14201 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

    E-mail address: oyunchimeg_l@num.edu.mn

    PhD candidate

    University of Pecs

    Faculty of Business & Economics

    H-7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4.

    Mrs.Oyunchimeg Luvsandavaajav currently holds the position as a senior lecturer of Tourism Studies at the Department of Geography, National University of Mongolia and PhD candidate at the University of Pecs, Hungary. She has gained her Masters of Tourism Management degree from Victoria University of Welling New Zealand. She has a wide range of research interests, including consumer behavior in tourism marketing, rural tourism, protected area tourism, community-based tourism, event tourism, responsible tourism, and sustainable tourism. Other active areas of research include sustainable development of rural communities, tourism geography and human geography, and geography of development studies in Inner Asia. She has worked on a diverse range of tourism projects, from contracted research with tourism industry stakeholders. Most recently, she has worked as a national expert at the ADB funded project focused on sustainable tourism development in the protected areas of Mongolia. She has published over 20 research papers in journals and presented at the international conference in China, Vietnam and Turkey. She has a wide range of professional experiences, including a vice director of the Juulchin World Tours Corporation in Mongolia. She received NZAid New Zealand Award for her master program and Stupendium Hungarcium Award for her PhD study in Hungary. She is trained in various tourism training programs at the Prince Songkla University in Thailand, MIB Trieste School of Management, Italy, James Cook University in Australia and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

  • Gantuya Narantuya, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

    Gantuya NARANTUYA, Ph.D,

    ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1560-7388

    Senior lecturer

    National University of Mongolia, Department of Geography

    University street-1 P.O.BOX-46A/523, 14201 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

    E-mail address: n.gantuya@num.edu.mn

    Dr. Gantuya Narantuya currently holds the position as a senior lecturer of Tourism Studies at the Department of Geography, National University of Mongolia. She has gained her PhD degree from Kumoh National Institute of Technology, South Korea and Masters of Tourism Management degree from National University of Mongolia. Dr. Gantuya's research interest focuses on tourism destination branding, place branding, regional tourism development, agro-tourism, as well as nature-based tourism and remote area tourism in Mongolia. Other active areas of research include marketing communication.

    She has published 12 research articles in international and national journals and presented 10 research papers in international conferences in Thailand, Vietnam China, Philippines and South Korea. Dr. Gantuya’s research paper called “Antecedents of Travel Intentions to Mongolia” at the 3rd International Conference on Digital Policy & Management, 19-21 January, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam won “Outstanding Paper Award”. Besides her academic involvement, Dr. Gantuya has participated in various domestic and international projects on tourism development. Her recent projects are regional tourism development planning for Eastern Mongolia, and tourism labor market research in Mongolia.




How to Cite

Understanding of Travel Motivations of Domestic Tourists. (2021). Journal of Tourism and Services, 12(22), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.29036/jots.v12i22.253