Design tourist planning in Colombian lagged destination: Case study Bahía Solano


  • Gabriela Antošová University College of Business in Prague
  • Jefferson Enrique Arias Gomez Rectors office, University Minuto de Dios
  • Helmuth Yesid Arias Gomez University The College of business, Department of economics and quantitative methods



design tourism , sustainability, territory planning, indigenous, Pacific Ocean


This article aims to the emergency of tourism activities linked with a landscape in a lagged west area of Colombia, concretely at the town of Bahía Solano. The main objective is to describe values in the qualitative explorative case study for proposing the tourism management process to the whole organization of activities in the lagged area as Bahía Solano. In spite of isolation and lack of connectivity, spontaneous market mechanism and flow of visitors contributed to a continuous development of economic activities that steam deep changes in local life. In consideration of initial conditions of the town, our approach poses interesting challenges here exposed. Firstly, we inquire about the possible effects of tourism on lagged places with qualitative exploratory study and we built profiles of local and foreign visitors interpreting their features and their expectation about this kind of destination. This contribution results the design tourism process planning as an opportunity to implement to the Pacific Ocean destination of Bahía Solano and will be used in the municipality as a part of the next step for the municipality tourism plan.


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Author Biographies

  • Gabriela Antošová, University College of Business in Prague

    Head of department of management, marketing and social sciences, University College of Business in Prague. Spálená 76/14, 110 00 Prague, Czech Republic,,

    Research Fellow and Assistant Professor at University College of Business in Prague, also scientific member of committee Academia Europa Nostra. She focuses on the management of the endogenous potentials in the regional and social development, local tourism and multidisciplinary content of methodological approaches in research. Currently she is a main coordinator and researcher from Czech Republic of the project “Bahía Solano como destino turístico – Actualización del plan turístico”.

  • Jefferson Enrique Arias Gomez, Rectors office, University Minuto de Dios

    Universidad Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Cra. 74 #81 C-05, Bogotá, Postal Code. 111021.

    Rector of the Universidad Minuto de Dios. Graduated in Ph. D. degree in Management at Mondragón University (Spain) with a postdoctoral studies in Education. His main professional experiences are in education and management. Previously, he was designing dean of Management Faculty. He focuses on Management topics at: Universidad Libre, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada and in postgraduate programs of Universidad Minuto de Dios and research on Social Management, Micro-finance, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation.

  • Helmuth Yesid Arias Gomez, University The College of business, Department of economics and quantitative methods

    Department of economics and economic theories, University College of Business in Prague. Spálená 76/14, 110 00 Prague, Czech Republic.

    Received a Ph.D. degree in Applied Economic Analysis at University of Seville - (Spain). His labor experiences are in: Central Bank of Colombia, National Statistical Institute and Ministry of Finance. Academic experiences are from: Universidad Externado de Colombia, University de la Salle and Catholic University. Actual affiliation: University College of Business in Prague.  He has publications in the field: Regional economics, Macroeconomics, New Economic Geography and Economic Theory. He developed research topics in: Regional Economics, Manufacturing, Localization and New Economic Geography.




How to Cite

Design tourist planning in Colombian lagged destination: Case study Bahía Solano. (2019). Journal of Tourism and Services, 10(19), 128-152.